Giulia Mininni

Giulia Mininni

Research Fellow
University of Naples, Federico II

I am a social scientist specialising in gender, energy and sustainability transitions. I am currently working as a Research Fellow on a EU Horizon funded  project on energy technology innovation for lighing and cooking for off-grid communities in the Ivory Coast and Zambia. I also worked as a Research Fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex, UK, on three projects on energy transitions for net zero in the UK. Research spanned forom exploring community wellbeing through energy demand reduction option, to retrofitting in the private rented sector, and to investigating placed-basd models or net zero. My PhD research focused on women's empowerment and gender equality in energy in off grid areas of Rajastha, India. Prior to my PhD, I worked for different agencies within the fields of sustainability and international development in the UK and in India.