Patience Mguni
Profile Picture
- Researcher
- Copenhagen University
- South Africa
Social Media
Profile Description
- I am an urban researcher interested in understanding the realities and possible futures of African cities by investigating the dynamics of governing informal urbanisation in the face of climate change. I graduated in 2015 with a Phd in Sustainability Transitions in urban water management, and I have an Msc (Eng) in Planning and the Environment from AAlborg University (2010). I am currently a Post-Doc and Work Package Leader on the Danida-funded 'Pathways to Water Resilient South African Cities' project. I also hold an honorary reseach fellowship at the Future Water Institute at the University of Cape Town. My research interests are Nature-based Solutions, urban water management, the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and the governance of sustainability transitions in cities in the Global South.
- Position:
- Researcher
- Address
- Copenhagen University
- South Africa
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